To start our service please send the amount / price of the service in EURO directly to the bank account (via Western Union) of our Financial Sales Representative for Asia, Africa & Asia Pacific.

Step 1:

Please visit any Western Union office in your country and inform that you want to send money directly into a bank account (Western Union’s D2B service) in the New ZealandRead more.

Please see the bank details below:

  • Receiver (account holder): Jenina Forbes
  • Account Number: 02-1291-0100523-000
  • Bank Name: BNZ bank
  • swift: BKNZNZ22
  • clearing code: NZ021291
  • Suffix: 000


Deloitte Centre, 80 Queen Street

Auckland, 92208

Country: New Zealand

Step 2:

After making the money transfer, you will receive the receipt. It will be given to you by the Western Union office. Please send to an email with:

  • Full names of the Sender (If you personally send the money, please write your full name)
  • If that does not make a difficulties for you – please send us and a copy of your payment receipt to be started our service immediately
  • The amount you have already sent

NOTE: If you have any difficulty to send money please contact us at:

Thank you!



 Order Status: UNPAID
